From Business Modeling,
To Sustainable Value Creation!

The Trunkers offer a wide range of B2B services 

            Our primary activities include:

             - Commercial Representation
             - Market Week Presentations
             - Dedicated Trunk Shows
             - Online Placement
             - Wholesale Management

You want to grow your business and gain new market shares?

We can help your brand build a sustainable business model through the development of a network of international resellers. 

This includes Department Stores, Concept Stores, Specialty and Multi-brand Stores.

Business Development is all about collaboration

The more you collaborate, the greater your market share!

For The Trunkers team members, effective collaboration reflects well-defined responsibilities and roles, allowing each party to leverage their strengths and expertise efficiently.

Collaboration also needs clear and open communication; this is what fosters trust, aligns goals, and addresses challenges promptly.

Our Mission is to add market value to your business model !

From Trunk Shows

To Market Weeks 

And Brand Clinics

        The Trunkers ©. 

2024 All rights reserved.

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